Many of the sellers on Vinterior sell on several online platforms and in-store, so some may need a few hours to get back to you. However, please bear in mind that Vinterior expects all sellers to reply to you within a minimum of 24 hours. 

A seller may take a little time to get back to you if they are: 

  • Getting an answer to a specific question for you. 

  • Checking their warehouse for you.

  • The seller is temporarily unavailable or away (Weekends, Bank Holidays etc.)


How can I contact the seller?

  1. Log in to your Vinterior account.

  2. Go to "My Orders" and click on the relevant order

  3. Click "Contact Seller”

  4. Leave your request there. 

  5. You will be notified via an automated Vinterior email when the seller answers.

How can I best communicate with a seller?

  • Ensure you have one thread of correspondence with the seller via Vinterior.

  • Review the delivery information left by the sellers on the confirmation of the order. Vinterior will have sent you an email update with this information. 

  • Let the seller know in advance whether you require a one-man, two-man, white-glove or multi-story apartment delivery service.

The seller is not responding to me. Can Vinterior help?

  • If the seller does not reply within 48 hours: you can click the “Generate Report” button on the order conversation via Vinterior. The Vinterior team will then be notified to get in touch with the seller. 

  • Alternatively, please email [email protected], and we can send the seller a message, email, text or a call if necessary.