If you are having issues removing an item from your basket, please try the following steps:

  • Click on the Cart icon at the top right-hand corner of the Vinterior page
  • Click on Remove under the item description.

Still having issues removing the item from your cart?

If you are having trouble accessing the site correctly, there are a few things you can do:

  • Have you tried clearing your browser of cookies or tried using an alternative browser? The browsers we recommend are Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
  • Is your device updated to the latest software?
  • Have you tried rebooting your device?

If the steps outlined above do not work for you, feel free to email [email protected]. Please include screenshots of this issue and advise us on the browser and IOS version you are using.

After you have sent your screenshots to Vinterior, our Customer Experience Team will be investigating this further and if this issue cannot be resolved, this will be escalated further. This means that any screenshots, links to your user account and this email thread might be used internally to find out more about this issue. 

Vinterior Tip:

Have a question? Email the team at [email protected] or leave a message on our Chat via the Vinterior website.