Buyers can quickly cancel their orders on Vinterior. You can cancel any 'confirmed' order, and you will receive a full refund for both the item and delivery price.
When an order is marked as ‘Dispatched’ by the seller, you can no longer cancel it. This would be classified as a change of mind return. You would not be reimbursed the original delivery fee, and you would be responsible for organising and paying the return delivery fee.
To initiate the cancellation of your item, please follow the instructions below:
Log in to your account.
Select My Account (located on the top right-hand corner).
Click on My Orders.
View Order (If you have more than one order, please check your order number, which will be on the confirmation email that was sent to you).
Click Create Cancellation.
Your cancellation request will then be reviewed, and you will be contacted as soon as the seller has confirmed that the item has not been dispatched.
Have a question?
Email the team at [email protected], or send us a message via the Vinterior website.
For further information, please read our Cancellations and Returns policy.