Before placing an order, you may have questions about the item's dimensions, pictures, quantity and so on. When you have a question about an item, we encourage you to message the seller directly through our site, as the sellers on Vinterior are the true experts of the items that they have up for sale. 

To get in touch with the seller, you can click on the “Ask the seller” button under the pictures on the listing to start a conversation with the seller.

Already made the order?

  1. Log in to your Vinterior account.
  2. Go to My Inbox in the top right-hand corner dropdown options list.


  3. Go to My Orders and click on the relevant orders.
  4. Click "Contact Seller" or "See Thread".

    Need to send some photographs?

  5. Attach the photographs with the ‘Choose File” button next to the “Send” button directly on the Vinterior platform via the conversation. 
  6. Please do not send them via email via the automated notification you will receive for any messages.

When the seller replies, it will leave a thread so you can come back to it for reference. You should also be notified via an automated Vinterior email when the seller gets in touch.